Pérez Cañado, M.L. In press for 2017. “AICLE y CMO: Un tándem efectivo para el desarrollo de la interacción comunicativa escrita.” Comunicación mediada por tecnologías: Aprendizaje y enseñanza de la lengua extranjera, González-Lloret, M. & Vinagre, M. (eds.). Sheffield, UK: Equinox Publishing.

Pérez Cañado, M. L. In press for 2017. “CLIL teacher education: Where do we stand and where do we need to go?”. Bilingual Education: Educational Trends and Key Concepts, Gómez Parra, M. E. & Johnstone, R. (eds.). Madrid: Ministerio de Educación.

Pérez Cañado, M. L. In press for 2017. “The evolution of bilingual education in monolingual settings: An Andalusian case study”. The Many Faces of Bilingualism – Living with Two Languages, Jedynak, M. & Romanowski, P. (eds.). Amsterdam: Springer.

Marsh, D., Pérez Cañado, M. L., & Ráez Padilla, J. (eds.). 2015. Spanish CLIL in Action: Voices from the Classroom. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Pérez Cañado, M. L. & Ráez Padilla, J. 2015. “Introduction and Overview”. In CLIL in Action: Voices from the Classroom, D. Marsh, M. L. Pérez Cañado, & J- Ráez Padilla (eds.), 1-12. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Pérez Cañado, M. L. 2015. “Training Teachers for Plurilingual Education: A Spanish Case Study”. In CLIL in Action: Voices from the Classroom, D. Marsh, M. L. Pérez Cañado, & J. Ráez Padilla (eds.), 165-187. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Pérez Cañado, M. L. (ed.). In press for 2017. Content and Language lntegrated Learning in Monolingual Settings: New lnsights from the Spanish Context. Amsterdam: Springer.

Pérez Cañado, M. L. In press for 2017. “Introduction to the issue: New insights into CLIL characterization, implementation, and training”. In Content and Language lntegrated Learning in Monolingual Settings: New lnsights from the Spanish Context, M. L. Pérez Cañado (ed.). Amsterdam: Springer.

Rascón Moreno, D. & Casas Pedrosa, A. V. In press for 2017. Characterizing representative CLIL practices: An Andalusian case study. In Content and Language lntegrated Learning in Monolingual Settings: New lnsights from the Spanish Context, M. L. Pérez Cañado (ed.). Amsterdam: Springer.

Pérez Cañado, M. L. In press for 2017. “Stakeholder perspectives on CLIL implementation: Evidence from a large-scale program evaluation”. In Content and Language lntegrated Learning in Monolingual Settings: New lnsights from the Spanish Context, M. L. Pérez Cañado (ed.). Amsterdam: Springer.

Madrid, D. Bueno González, A., & Ráez Padilla, J. In press for 2017. “Investigating the effects of CLIL on language attainment: Instrument design and validation”. In Content and Language lntegrated Learning in Monolingual Settings: New lnsights from the Spanish Context, M. L. Pérez Cañado (ed.). Amsterdam: Springer.

Barrios Espinosa, M. E. In press for 2017. “The effects of CLIL on L1 competence development”. In Content and Language lntegrated Learning in Monolingual Settings: New lnsights from the Spanish Context, M. L. Pérez Cañado (ed.). Amsterdam: Springer.

Navarro Pablo, M. In press for 2017. “The impact of CLIL on L2 grammar and vocabulary”. In Content and Language lntegrated Learning in Monolingual Settings: New lnsights from the Spanish Context, M. L. Pérez Cañado (ed.). Amsterdam: Springer.

Lancaster, N. K. In press for 2017. “The impact of CLIL on L2 oral comprehension and production: A longitudinal study”. In Content and Language lntegrated Learning in Monolingual Settings: New lnsights from the Spanish Context, M. L. Pérez Cañado (ed.). Amsterdam: Springer.

Pavón Vázquez, V. In press for 2017. “The effects of CLIL on L2 written comprehension and production”. In Content and Language lntegrated Learning in Monolingual Settings: New lnsights from the Spanish Context, M. L. Pérez Cañado (ed.). Amsterdam: Springer.

Martínez Agudo, J. D. In press for 2017. “The effects of CLIL on subject matter learning: The case of Science in Primary and Secondary Education”. In Content and Language lntegrated Learning in Monolingual Settings: New lnsights from the Spanish Context, M. L. Pérez Cañado (ed.). Amsterdam: Springer.

Oxbrow, G. & Cecic, D. In press for 2017. “Teacher training for CLIL: Are we there yet?”. In Content and Language lntegrated Learning in Monolingual Settings: New lnsights from the Spanish Context, M. L. Pérez Cañado (ed.). Amsterdam: Springer.